Catching up, June 5th 2018
Leaving my brothers always tugs at my heartstrings, I think it is the not knowing when we will all get together the next time. Having said our good-byes we were on the road early and headed East. Leaving at 6 AM we crossed into Indiana an hour later and suddenly it was 8 AM, damn time zone changes. We stopped for breakfast at a Cracker Barrel, and as you know I am not a fan of chain/franchise places, but Cracker Barrel will do while traveling. The food and the service are consistent, but I always prefer local diner or breakfast joint.
Today was a travel day and we rolled through Indiana and all the way across Ohio into new territory. Our destination was an Ohio State Park called Forked Run, pronounced fork-ked Run, near Reedsville on the Ohio River, just across the water from West Virginia. I can't say that this is a state park that I would recommend. There was absolutely no cell reception and the rest rooms were not even a little up to par, and very stinky.
We did get situated and decided to drive the three miles back into Reedsville where we were told there was a grocery store. There was. It had almost nothing on the shelves and the building seemed structurally unsound and the people working there seemed more interested in each other than anyone who might want to buy anything. We bought two tomatoes, which later turned out to taste like cardboard..we pitched them.
Looking for cell reception we traveled back along the route we came in on for about ten miles before we could make a call... things were going on back home that we wanted to hear about. We didn't find another grocery store but we did find a Subway sandwich shop, so sandwiches it was. With phone calls made and sandwiches in the bag we headed back down the windy hilly road to the park and our campsite.
We sat around our campfire and had a glass of wine and sandwiches for super, the evening turned out to be a pleasant evening after a long day on the road.
I can't remember if I mentioned it before or not, and I am too lazy to go back and see if I did, but we have named out little trailer Stella. Stella was my grandmother's name and it means 'stars'. Since we tow with our Subaru, and Subaru is the Japanese word for the constellation or star cluster Pleiades which is why their logo is a group of stars. When I designed our logo to stick on the camper I used the Subaru stars as a background for the name Stella.