Today started early running a errand with a friend and then the efforts went into sorting and packing and trying to figure out all of those last minute things so we don't forget anything. Carol has been sorting and folding and packing clothes and I have been putting my energies into the whole technology thing..I have too many damn toys. So I have been looking at cameras, drones, GoPros and art supplies. . .formatting hard drives and moving files around so I can continue this blog while we are on the move. I am just about there -- decided to take a minute and write a bit while the little blue progress bar creeps across the screen. The plan is still to leave first thing in the morning..even before sunrise... get coffee and see where we land by afternoon..hopefully we will arrive at Letchworh State Park in upstate New York. We have read that this is 'The Grand Canyon of the East' - we will see. Now it is getting close to the time when we take the grandkids out one last time before we leave . . sad to say goodbye to these guys . . we will miss them until we return.
Then it will be a chore to try to actually fit everything into the car. . . I am guessing a few things may be left behind..none of MY stuff mind you but some stuff.