I am actually writing this entry on day two. It is early morning. Carol and I have had our coffee and a second pot is on the stove. I will do a run-through of yesterday’s activities..quite a first day all in all. Alarms sounded at four AM, an uncivilized time if ever there was one, and we got everything done and were on the road by five..a major feat for this crew. A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and the little blue Subaru was on the road heading toward destinations west. Up Route 146 and across Massachusetts on the Mass Pike brought us to the New York state line in just a couple of hours. Chatter was lively and a lot of texting was going on between Carol and our daughter Megan, and then phone calls, texts of well wishes from friends — and the hours rolled by. Somewhere along the NY State Thruway we got a second coffee and gas. We have been averaging just at 30 MPG which I think is pretty good considering the load.
By 9:00 AM we were getting pretty hungry and we made a stop in Frankfort, NY…a little town we have a strong personal tie to. Back in 1999 when we were cruising the great loop in our boat we stayed in Frankfort for a period of 9 days doing repairs. The town opened their doors to us.
We got to know just about everybody and everyone was so very helpful, so what better place to have breakfast on our first day of travel by land. We ate at a great little diner - combination ice cream parlor and bar that also serves breakfast - right on Main Street. Every one was friendly at a substantially slower pace than we are accustomed, but friendly none the less. Breakfast was good and feeling full we hit the road again with Letchworth State Park as the destination for the day. Two hours later we were rolling through the gate and found our way to the campground headquarters. Folly followed. We were told to go scout out camp sites and pick out several..which we did. Nope can’t have those, they are reserved…damn, another drive around the park and a few more selections and we settles on site 825..got reserves and drove back to the site. Nope. Didn’t work, and a bit spongy too, so back to the checkin station and changes it to site 827, right next door but a better spot. Hopefully we will get better with all of this. And did I mention it was a VERY hot day.
After backing in and repositioning several time we got everything situated and began the wrestling match with the tent. A half an hour later the tent was standing and most of the stuff had been settled. We figured a glass of wine and some iced tea was in order so sitting in our chairs we enjoyed the late afternoon and made plans and a list for the camp store which sits just down the road. We chatted and planned as the wine and the tea disappeared. As you may know the tent attaches to the car, so to go to the store it was a simple matter of releasing a couple of hooks and off we went..only to find that the store was closed. Ten past five and the store was closed! Damn! So back to the site to finish up — inflated the bed and did a few other chores — and then we went off in search of supper as those eggs we had in Frankfort at 9 AM had long ago worn off. We were told that the restaurant at the far end of the park, where all the waterfalls are, is a great place to eat.
The drive to the far end of the park is about a 12 - 14 mile drive down a winding road filled with scenic overlooks. We stopped at almost every one and the scenery just got better and better. We explored several places with waterfalls and scouted trail that we might hike. Arriving at the restaurant we realized that we had left our tuxedos and evening gowns at home..what a fancy restaurant. We moved on. On to the town of Castile where we found a little pizza/sub shop and ordered a couple of subs to go. We took a long way around drive back to the park passing through two towns where the people apparently don’t eat.. the long and the short of it is that we got back to camp before dark and had our sandwiches. We were interrupted momentarily by a Mr. Rocky Raccoon who thought we got the sandwiches for him. Carol turned in early and I edited some photos before turning in myself.
NOTE: I am posting this Wednesday afternoon (day 2) from some free wifi at a McDonald about 12 miles from the campsite..no wifi in the park at all. So the post is short. Hopefully tomorrow we will be in a hotel and I can take my time and do a decent post with extraordinary photos. . . .